News Release

October 2, 2014

Indonesia's The first and only one integrated waste management company, PPLi, Celebrates 20th Anniversary

PPLi was established in 1994, becoming Indonesia's first environmental recycling company. To celebrate its 20th anniversary, the company held an environmental workshop on October 2, 2014. About 200 people attended the workshop, including Dr. Balthasar Kambuaya, State Minister for the Environment, former State Ministers for the Environment, other Indonesian government officials, and major customers. There was a lively exchange of views on environmental protection and proper waste disposal to achieve future sustainable development.

PPLi is the only company in Indonesia with a business license for final disposal of hazardous waste that conforms to international standards. At the recent workshop, participants acknowledged the company's disposal results, and its high degree of compliance and reliability for the entire process from collection to final disposal.

Looking towards its 30th and 40th anniversaries, PPLi will keep expanding disposal services based on the needs of customers and society, including the 4Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle, and recovery). The company is working towards further expansion its business network throughout Indonesia.

Indonesia’s The first and only one integrated waste management company, PPLi, Celebrates 20th Anniversary

Mr. Sabar, representing Sonny Keraf, former State Minister for the Environment
Mr. Nabiel Makarim, former State Minister for the Environment
Mr. Mr. Rasio Ridho Sani, Secretary of Minister , Ministry of Environment
Mr. Sarwono Kusumaatmadja, former State Minister for the Environment
Mr. Wayan, representing Gusti Muhammad Hatta, former State Minister for the Environment


Torehan Lukisan (scratch painting)
After the participants each etched one line on the surface, an artist finished off the piece


Traditional Indonesian ensemble music (gamelan) was played at the opening

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